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边缘AI处理器芯片公司Ambient Scientific将亮相IOTE国际物联网展

2024-08-16 09:47 物联传媒

导读:欢迎在2024年8月28-30日,前往IOTE第二十二届国际物联网展·深圳站,深圳国际会展中心(宝安新馆)12号馆Ambient Scientific展位12C12,现场进行参观和交流,期待您的光临!


The world focuses on IoT, and the industry scale is unprecedented! A high-end industrial research and learning event is about to arrive as scheduled.


The 22nd IOTE 2024 International IoT Exhibition·Shenzhen Station (hereinafter referred to as IOTE Shenzhen IoT Exhibition) will be held from August 28 to 30, 2024, at the Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center (Bao'an New Hall). At this event, over 600+ exhibitors from around the globe and 100,000+ professional integrators and end-users from industries such as industrial, logistics, infrastructure, smart cities, and smart retail will converge.

"新基建"为物联网的发展打下坚实的基础,"内外双循环"所释放的需求成为了物联网发展肥沃的土壤,万亿级的市场不再是口号,掘金物联网正当时。在这个物联网产业发展的"黄金时期", 更加需要IOTE国际物联网展聚拢物联网全产业资源,精准而又高效的进行资源对接。

The "New Infrastructure" has laid a solid foundation for the development of IoT, and the demand unleashed by the "dual-circulation paradigm" has become the most fertile soil for IoT growth. The trillion-dollar market is no longer just a slogan; tapping into the potential of IoT is happening now. In this "golden age" of IoT industry development, the IOTE International IoT Exhibition is even more crucial in gathering IoT industry resources for precise and efficient resource matching.

Ambient Scientific Inc.将以参展商身份盛装亮相本次展会,届时欢迎各位行业友人前来观展、学习与交流,共襄行业盛会。

Ambient Scientific Inc. will participate in the exhibition as an exhibitor, showcasing its cutting-edge products and technologies. We warmly welcome all industry friends to visit, learn, and exchange ideas with us at this grand industry event.

IOTE 2024 展商介绍

Ambient Scientific.png

Ambient Scientific Inc.

展位号(Booth Number:):12C12


Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center (Bao'an New Hall)


August 28-30, 2024


We Look Forward to Meeting You Face-to-Face for Discussions and Negotiations

企业介绍Company Profile

Ambient Scientific是一家无晶圆厂半导体公司,创造了引领变革的范式转换可编程微处理器架构,以推动AI计算革命。公司的突破性架构——DigAn®,其结合了高速数字和模拟电路设计,实现了超低功耗高性能AI计算,在性能上远超当前微处理器架构多个数量级。


Ambient Scientific is a fabless semiconductor company that has created paradigm shifting programmable microprocessor architecture to power the AI computing revolution. Our groundbreaking architecture called DigAn®, leverages a combination of high-speed digital and analog circuit technologies to enable ultra-low power high performance AI computing, orders of magnitude better than current microprocessor architectures. Our products are proven in silicon and manufactured by world leading foundry TSMC, which along with an enabling software stack that includes AI compiler, development libraries, training toolchains, support for industry standard AIML frameworks can enable AI application with unrivalled performance without compromising on power efficiency, programmability, compactness or affordability.

产品推介Product Recommendation



Currently, all AI applications on microcontroller class products are run in the cloud which causes significant expenditure, low reliability due to connectivity dependence, high latency due to network relay and user data privacy concerns. This is because current chips available force unwanted compromises for product and solution makers such as insufficient AI performance, poor power efficiency, or lack of programmability or unaffordability.

GPX10是一款超低功耗AI微处理器,能够为最小的电子产品实现设备端AI应用,仅使用纽扣电池即可运行数月,同时不牺牲功耗效率、可编程性和成本效益,并提供高性能AI。例如,借助GPX10和我们的专用软件栈,开发人员可以构建无云、设备端AI应用,如语音命令检测、跌倒检测、面部识别等,结合各种模拟和数字传感器,在紧凑的尺寸内以极低的功耗实现持续运行的AI应用。GPX10在紧凑的封装中提供高达512 GOPs的峰值性能,活动功耗低至80微瓦,同时提供广泛的可编程性,让开发人员能够构建包括自定义AI模型和神经网络在内的定制应用,并保留其软件IP以实现竞争优势。

GPX10 is an ultra-low power AI microprocessor that can enable on-device AI applications for the tiniest of electronic products running on as little as a coin cell battery, without sacrificing power efficiency, programmability, affordability, while delivering high AI performance. For example, with GPX10 and our dedicated software stack, developers can build cloud-free, on-device AI applications such as voice command detection, fall detection, Face identification and many more, combing a variety of different analog and digital sensors running on as a little as a coin cell battery for months. GPX10 delivers 512 GOPs of peak performance with as little active power consumption as 80 µW for always-on AI applications in a compact footprint, while providing extensive programmability so developers can build custom applications including custom AI models and neural networks and own their software IP for competitive differentiation.


开发板(Development Board)


硬币芯片(Coin Chip)


我们期待与您一起探讨行业趋势、发展方向、合作可能,并希望能和您的企业一起,寻找更多机遇。欢迎在2024年8月28-30日,前往IOTE第二十二届国际物联网展·深圳站,深圳国际会展中心(宝安新馆)12号馆Ambient Scientific展位12C12,现场进行参观和交流,期待您的光临!